
Friday, January 4, 2019

Sweetness by French Expressionist Artist Isabelle Gautier

SWEET PINK 60x36in Acrylic on canvas
"The color pink represents caring, compassion and love. The pink color stands for unconditional love and understanding, and is associated with giving and receiving care. Since pink is a combination of red and white, both colors add a little to its characteristics. It gets the lust for action from the red color, and the white color gives it an opportunity to achieve success and insight. Passion and power from the color red, softened with the purity and openness of the white color completes pink color meaning. The deeper the pink color, the more passion and energy it radiates....The color pink is insightful and intuitive and it shows tenderness and kindness from its empathetic and sensitive nature." by JACOB OLESEN Pink Color Meaning
For more art and learn more about the artist Isabelle Gautier please visit

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